Dealer's Journal

Cessna-Car Confuses People on I-95

Spirit of LeMons

When you take a 1987 Toyota van and put an old Cessna plane shell around it, there are two things that are bound to happen when you take it out on I-95 in the Washington DC area: some people are going to think that it’s the oddest thing they’ve seen and others are going to call in reporting an airplane had landed on the highway.

That’s exactly what happened last week when the Spirit of LeMons took to the highway. The street legal conversion done by DC police officer Jeff Bloch (affectionately nicknamed “SpeedyCop”) had news reporters and law enforcement investigating an alleged airplane landing on I-95 last Wednesday. Now, the Cessna-car is making national headlines.

This isn’t Bloch’s first foray into strange vehicles. He’s built an upside down Camaro, a Lincoln Continental with two V-8 engines, and the car that looks like a plane with stubby wings. One of his dreams is to have his own television show that features his strange concoctions.

When asked why he builds these strange vehicles, he said, “I get a natural high out of just life and just doing things.”

It’s street legal, so other than scaring or confusing some people in the DC area, there’s nothing wrong with what he’s built. It can get an estimated 30 miles to the gallon and has a top speed around 100 MPH.

Here’s the video showing his handiwork on the streets.

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