Dealer's Journal

First-Time Car Owner Mistakes to Avoid

First-Time Car Owner Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t fall into the trap that comes with the emotions that will fill you as a first-time car owner.  Here are some mistakes you need to avoid.

New Car Thrill

It’s time to buy a new car. This might be your first car or your first upgrade. Either way, the thrill of buying a new car can cloud your judgment and prevent you from making the wisest decisions. Fortunately, first-time car owners have made these mistakes before, so you can learn from them and make smarter choices when it’s your time to buy.

Three Day Rule

Becoming a new car owner is a big investment. No matter if you buy a used, $5,000 car or a brand new $40,000 SUV. It’s important that you make sure you understand the financial responsibility that you’ll be undertaking when you buy a new car. But before you decide to lease, buy or take out a loan, sleep on your decision for three days. This will help you make an informed, clear decision, so you know that the car is what you need and want, and you’re not just buying it because a good salesperson convinced you to.

Skipping the Test Drive

This is a common mistake that can change your whole mindset about a car. Say you found a fantastic car, it has all the features you need and you just know it’s the perfect car for you, and you’ve convinced yourself you don’t need to take it for a test drive. You’d be doing yourself a disservice by not taking it out for a test drive.

A test drive can help you get a proper feel for the car, see how you like it when it maneuvers around turns and how well it brakes. There are also tech and safety features that are best tested out on a test drive. Don’t fall in love with a car before getting behind the wheel and really seeing what you like about it.

Buying the Wrong Car for Your Needs

Buying a car because it has shiny new rims, all the safety and tech features you only ever dreamed about, and the enviable leather interior that you just have to have can put you in a financial spot that will be difficult to get out of. When you’re buying a car it’s easy to let yourself be swept away by the fancy features and drive home in a car that was more than you needed.

Focus on why you’re shopping for a new car and make sure you know the size and features you need before walking into a dealership. A car’s main purpose is to get you from point A to point B, and you don’t need a souped-up pickup truck to get the job done if what your family really needs is a compact SUV.

Be Informed Before You Sign

Becoming a car owner is a huge financial decision and one that requires careful thinking and consideration. Hopefully, you’re not in a hurry to buy a car and have time to carefully consider your options and figure out exactly what you need from your next car. Make sure to take a test drive and give yourself a couple of days to really think about your choice before you sign on that dotted line.

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