Dealer's Journal

What Kias are being Stolen?

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Kia is one of the most popular car brands in the US, but high vehicle theft rates have plagued it in recent years. According to a 2022 study by the Highway Loss Data Institute, Kia vehicles without anti-theft immobilizers had a vehicle theft claim rate nearly twice the rate of the rest of the auto industry. As methods for stealing Kias have spread on social media, theft rates have surged nationwide. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop by your local Kia dealer for a new car, but it does mean being aware of the current situation.

Why Are Kias So Vulnerable to Theft?

Kia models have become targets for thieves because some models lack a key anti-theft feature: an immobilizer system. An immobilizer system matches a computer chip in the car key to the ignition switch, preventing the engine from starting if there is no match.

However, some lower-priced Kia models, like the Rio and Sportage, do not have immobilizers installed which allows thieves to easily bypass the ignition switch using tools like screwdrivers to start and steal the vehicles.

How Has Social Media Exacerbated the Problem?

Methods for stealing Kias by accessing ignition switches have spread virally on platforms like TikTok, contributing to surging theft rates. Once thieves post videos demonstrating how to exploit Kia models lacking immobilizer systems, others quickly replicate the methods nationwide. Social platforms have enabled criminal plans and activities to be shared on a massive scale. The viral spread of Kia theft techniques on social media has
intensified the need for anti-theft upgrades, security programs, and owner vigilance.

The Most Targeted Kias

According to data from the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the most stolen Kia models in 2022 were:

These five models comprise over 80% of all Kia thefts, though any model at the Kia dealer without an immobilizer system is at risk.

How to Prevent Kia Theft

The good news is Kia and Hyundai, another brand popular for thefts, have agreed to a $200 million settlement to address the theft issue. The settlement provides up to $145 million for customers whose Kias were stolen to recover costs like insurance deductibles, towing, and rental

As part of the settlement, Kia and Hyundai will offer software upgrades adding immobilizer functions to 8.3 million vehicles. Customers can check if their Kia qualifies for an upgrade at, call 800-333-4542, or check with your local Kia dealer.

Kia will provide up to $300 for anti-theft devices like steering wheel locks for vehicles that cannot be upgraded. Owners should also take precautions like using alarms, parking in well-lit areas, locking all doors, and reporting suspicious activity to the police.

While the settlement and upgrades aim to curb theft rates, Kia owners must remain vigilant. By taking advantage of Kia’s support programs and following best practices for theft prevention, owners can protect their vehicles from becoming another statistic in this alarming trend.

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