You can boost your performance, but you can also damage it. Some common car upgrades that aren’t worth your time or money.
Category: Car Owners

Vehicle Manufacturers are Finding Ways to Sell You Subscriptions for Used Cars, Not Just New OnesVehicle Manufacturers are Finding Ways to Sell You Subscriptions for Used Cars, Not Just New Ones
It started with milkmen and medication, moved on to Netflix, razors, and cat food, and now the monthly subscription is making its way into your used car. There was enough

How Can You Become an Auto Body Technician or Mechanic Today? The Core Steps to Take to do Auto Body Work ProfessionallyHow Can You Become an Auto Body Technician or Mechanic Today? The Core Steps to Take to do Auto Body Work Professionally
Do you want to find a career as a mechanic? Maybe you’re good with your hands, interested in cars, and heard this could be a good next step. Either way,

Are We on the Verge of a Negative Automotive Equity Bust?Are We on the Verge of a Negative Automotive Equity Bust?
The last four years in the automotive industry have been troublesome, but we could be on the verge of a negative automotive equity bust.

Guide To The Best Types Of Marketing For Auto Repair ShopsGuide To The Best Types Of Marketing For Auto Repair Shops
There was a time when marketing your auto repair shop was a fairly simple job. You could attract people with a unique design for your shop and possibly run some

Data-Driven Driving Leading to the Application of AI in the Automotive IndustryData-Driven Driving Leading to the Application of AI in the Automotive Industry
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of everything, including the automotive industry. A transition to AI-driven vehicles won’t come without hiccups.

Best Places to Get Great Deals on Auto PartsBest Places to Get Great Deals on Auto Parts
There are several places you can look for auto parts, including your dealer auto parts center. Take a look at some of your options for getting great deals on auto

How to Prepare Your Car for a SnowstormHow to Prepare Your Car for a Snowstorm
If you live in a climate where snow hits every year, you need to know how to prepare your car for a snowstorm in case you get stranded during winter

DC Is Getting Rid of Right Turns at Red LightsDC Is Getting Rid of Right Turns at Red Lights
Traffic laws are changing in the nation’s capital to make it illegal to turn right at red lights. Why is DC making this change to the traffic laws?

Be Prepared; Take These Steps After a Car AccidentBe Prepared; Take These Steps After a Car Accident
One of the most frightening situations is when you’re faced with an actual emergency. This can happen out on the road when you’re in a car accident.