Every month thousands of cars are sold all over this great country of ours. Some go at great prices for the car that is purchased and others seem to be

Top Gear Keeps Bringing Us More to LoveTop Gear Keeps Bringing Us More to Love
The Top Gear show has become a huge hit around the world as the show you want to watch when you want to learn more about cars. This show offers

Cars with Prestige that Will Make You Feel GreatCars with Prestige that Will Make You Feel Great
Your car says a lot about you and what you stand for. Unfortunately for some of us we can’t afford the car we want as a new model, but if

Which One is Right for You?Which One is Right for You?
It’s finally time, you have dreamed about buying a Porsche 911 for most of your life and its finally time for you to make the leap and buy the car

When the Budget Meets PassionWhen the Budget Meets Passion
We can all dream of winning the lottery or creating that one major breakthrough that happens to make a difference in many lives and allows us to have more money

Will the Bolt Be Better than the Model 3?Will the Bolt Be Better than the Model 3?
General Motors has been in the business of mass production for decades. They can change a production line with their eyes closed because they have done it so many times

An Honor for a Century of ExcellenceAn Honor for a Century of Excellence
After 100 years in the automotive industry BMW is having a year of celebration and is being honored in many ways. They absolutely should celebrate, it’s not often we see

No More Flat Six for the BoxsterNo More Flat Six for the Boxster
The car that found a way to revitalize the Porsche name and give us a car that we could get behind on all fronts is about to change drastically. The

Are You Going to Be NextAre You Going to Be Next
With over 300,000 orders for the Tesla Model 3 already the demand is much greater than expected for this new vehicle, but orders aren’t stopping. Should you join the party

Higher than then 7-SeriesHigher than then 7-Series
Currently the 7-Series from BMW is the most luxurious and largest vehicle that isn’t an SUV you can buy. This model series is full of tantalizing features and an array